Early Childhood Courts

Expanding the Safe Babies™ Approach in Washington State

In Washington State, children under the age of three made up 44% of dependency cases filed in 2022. Of all children who go into care in Washington state, 32% are infants under 1 year, the second-highest rate in the country. Early childhood experiences shape children’s brain development and have life-long impacts on their social, emotional and physical well-being. Timely and appropriate interventions help babies and families involved in the dependency system heal together.

Early Childhood Courts (ECC) are therapeutic court programs in Washington State working to address the issues faced by families in Dependency proceedings. Utilizing the Safe Babies™ approach, these courts focus on reducing trauma and improving how courts, child welfare, and child-serving organizations work together to support young children in, or at-risk of entering, the child welfare system. Currently, there are five counties operating ECCs, in Clark, Kitsap, Pierce, Thurston, and Spokane Counties. CCYJ, in partnership with the Administrative Office of the Courts, works alongside the court programs to ensure families receive the supportive services needed to safely reunify. 

What We’re Doing Now:

  • Providing training and technical assistance to support the ongoing implementation and coordination of the ECCs, in partnership with the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts, in five counties (Clark, Kitsap, Pierce, Thurston, and Spokane) in Washington State.
  • Facilitating the ECC State Advisory Board, a high-level decision-making group of individuals from across the state’s child welfare system and community partners, leveraging their expertise in early childhood services to inform ECC efforts.
  • Creating a sustainability plan by developing a strategy for sustaining ECC funding in our state, beyond the initial funding period.
  • Ensuring consistency and collaboration across ECC programs through hosting and/or supporting convenings, trainings, planning meetings, and Communities of Practice for ECC site staff.
  • Collaborating with Tribal Communities to determine if, and how, the approach can be adapted to meet the needs of Native families.
  • Centering racial equity by identifying strategies for addressing disproportionality in ECC enrollment and improving ECC outreach and support of BIPOC families.
  • Support ECC programs to align with 2SSB 5331. With the enactment of 2SSB 5331, ECCs across the state are required to align with core components outlined in the bill. In partnership with the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts, CCYJ works with sites to ensure programs are aligned with the legislation.

What We’ve Done:

  • Convened a Design Team of statewide, regional, and local stakeholders, made up of experts from a variety of fields and areas of practice, including parent and caregiver allies to strategize Safe Babies™ approach implementation in communities across the state.
  • Gained funding to facilitate the ECCs in five counties. This supported the initial launch of a statewide oversight structure, and operation of the court program in Clark, Kitsap, Pierce, Spokane, and Thurston Counties.
  • Supported the development of, and advocated for the passage of 2SSB 5331. 2SSB 5331 creates a statewide standard of practice for Early Childhood Court Programs, putting racial equity, parent voice, relationships, and safe reunification at the forefront of practice and service delivery.
  • Developed local and statewide oversight structures. These are made up of key stakeholders of the judiciary, legislative leadership, child welfare, and community service providers. 

Interested in Learning More?

Washington State ECC Resources:

ZERO TO THREE Resources:

Research and Evaluation Resources:

Have questions, or want to support this effort?

If you would like to reach out to CCYJ regarding the Safe Babies™ approach and its implementation in Washington State, please contact Becca Guest at bguest@ccyj.org.
