All children and youth deserve a fair chance.
At the Center for Children & Youth Justice (CCYJ), we’re changing the way young people experience the child welfare and juvenile justice systems—for the better. By listening to young people and working with partners across Washington State, we’re helping to redesign our child welfare and juvenile justice systems to meet children and youth’s unique needs. Every year we help improve the lives of 50,000 young people.
Invest in creating better lives for local kids by joining us on Sept. 10th for the Norm Maleng Advocate for Youth Award breakfast honoring David Zapolsky.
Request for Proposals
Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building Opportunity for Community Based
Organizations that Provide Community Violence Intervention Services in King County
The Center for Children & Youth Justice is seeking applications from qualified Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that provide Community Violence Intervention (CVI) services to young people ages 12-24 years at highest risk of victimization or perpetration of gun violence across King County to partner with CCYJ over the course of approximately 2.5 years to receive training, technical assistance, and capacity building funding of up to $250,000.
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