Street Outreach Services

OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model Implementation


The Center for Children & Youth Justice (CCYJ) is seeking applications from qualified providers of Street Outreach Services. This is a 2.5 year project with a total budget not to exceed $750,000. CCYJ is a non-profit organization located in Washington State. Our Leadership, Intervention, & Change – LINC implements with fidelity the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Comprehensive Gang Model (CGM). The LINC program brings together a community-wide, multi-jurisdictional, and multi-disciplinary coordinated effort to reduce youth gun violence and involvement of young people in groups/gangs in King County, Washington. Our project will work with up to 200 young people annually who are involved with, or at risk of involvement with, groups, gangs, and/or violence. LINC is currently funded in part by a 3-year CVIPI award from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). If appropriate, the qualified Street Outreach services provider may be considered a subrecipient of this award. See Department of Justice Grants Financial Guide for more information on being a subrecipient of a federal award.

We seek a Street Outreach services partner(s) to:

  • Provide culturally specific Street Outreach services to LINC clients
  • Attend and participate in Steering Committee meetings and elevate systems barriers to client success
  • Attend and participate in MDIT meetings, including Team-Based Case Management in partnership with CCYJ staff and other MDIT members
  • Collect and report on necessary client level data and support program evaluation activities
  • Communicate regularly with CCYJ staff about LINC client strengths and needs and systems barriers to client success
  • Participate in professional development activities, including coaching and training on CGM implementation fidelity and quality improvement

Street Outreach Services

Street outreach is a central and critical component of the CGM. The purpose of street outreach services is to coordinate service provision to youth in partnership with three geographically focused Multi-Disciplinary Intervention Teams (MDITs). Street outreach reaches youth in the community where they are at, both physically and emotionally/developmentally. LINC outreach workers are credible messengers and engage and mentor youth, and use trauma-informed approaches to help youth set goals and change behaviors. Outreach staff ensures young people have access to services and opportunities and serves as a link to community services. Outreach workers attend all MDIT meetings. MDITs include street outreach workers, case managers, school representatives, probation counselors, behavioral health specialists, law enforcement officers, employment providers, and other service providers. Youth are active participants in identifying goals and developing their Intervention Plan. The MDITs use a team-based case management approach to review each youth’s individualized Intervention Plan and to monitor progress to determine what wraparound services can help young people meet the goals they have identified for themselves. Outreach plays a critical role in supporting young people to achieve their goals. Representatives from the Street Outreach provider agency(s) attend all LINC Steering Committee Meetings and elevate critical information about community conditions and client needs and barriers to success. The LINC Steering Committee brings together key decision makers from youth-serving agencies, local and state government, school districts, law enforcement, superior court, faith-based leaders, and community and grassroots groups. During the term of this project, the Steering Committee will shape an update of our comprehensive Community Assessment and develop an actionable Community-Specific Violence Reduction Strategic Plan to support ongoing evaluation of LINC’s progress in reducing youth gang involvement. Outreach plays a critical role in ensuring that the Steering Committee has the information needed to make important policy decisions.

Street Outreach staff:

  • Build relationships with clients and potential clients
  • Recruit new clients
  • Pass background checks and suitability determinations related to federal funding
  • Maintain confidentiality of client information
  • Link clients to necessary services and support clients’ participation
  • Provide quality, culturally specific interactions with clients
  • Act as a liaison between clients and service providers, both community based and government systems, and the Steering Committee
  • Work with clients to build skills and achieve goals
  • Recognize and reinforce positive behavior
  • Resolve difficulties between clients, their families, other youth, and/or agencies
  • Provide appropriate crisis responses in conjunction with other agencies following a violent incident
  • Assist families in distress
  • Document and share important information about clients and outreach activities with CCYJ staff, MDIT members, and the Steering Committee

Evaluation criteria for all applicants

Responding agencies will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Proven capacity to deliver culturally specific street outreach services as described in this RFQ and reflective of the demographics of the populations served by LINC
  • Capacity to attend in-person, 2-hour MDIT meetings every other week
  • Capacity to collect, document, and report on/share necessary data, including important client information and activities
  • Capacity to engage in monthly professional development and skill enhancement activities/trainings
  • Years of experience providing street outreach services
  • Years of experience collecting, documenting, and reporting on necessary data
  • Understanding and connection with the region, communities, schools, and neighborhoods served by LINC
  • Capacity to provide invoices and necessary backup documentation on schedule and consistent with generally accepted accounting principles

Eligibility to receive federal funding

  • Priority will be given to applications from culturally specific organizations that have the primary
  • purpose to provide culturally specific services to, among others, Black people, Latino/a/e people,
  • Native American and other Indigenous peoples of North America (including Alaska Natives),
  • Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and/or Pacific Islanders
  • Additional criteria may apply for agencies seeking subrecipient status
  • Submission requirements
  • Agency name, address, email, phone, name/title of authorized representative, date of
  • submission
  • Statement of ability to provide services outlined in RFQ and responses to evaluation criteria
  • Budget outlining staffing and other project needs

Legal Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this RFQ and any information subsequently provided to applicants, whether verbally, written, or any other form by or on behalf of CCYJ is subject to the following terms and conditions: This RFQ is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation from CCYJ to prospective applicants or any other person. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFQ, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in this RFQ. CCYJ accepts no liability of any nature, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, arising from reliance of any applicant upon the statements contained in this RFQ. CCYJ may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP. The issue of this RFQ does not imply that CCYJ is bound to select an applicant and CCYJ reserves the right to reject all or any of the proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever. The applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by CCYJ.